On occasion, Focus Marines has veterans that have attended our program in need of assistance to get them past some bumpy roads in their lives. These individuals may need assistance with unforeseen expenses, job placement, family help, etc. On many of these occasions, we have teamed with God Cares Ministry to pitch in and help to better extend services to individual veterans.

The focus of God Cares is to help veterans find employment. They work with the Missouri Career Centers who offer classes for resume writing, interview skills, employer contacts etc. They have helped veterans and their families with a wide variety of needs so the veteran can focus on finding a job that will provide him with dignity.

However, God Cares also provides assistance in other areas. Examples of other assistance have been, help with utilities, home or rent payments, car payments, car insurance, food, clothing, motel stays, warm coats in winter, etc.

The motto of God Cares Ministry is “We offer a hand up, not a hand out”. This is perfectly consistent with the mission that FMF undertakes with our FOCUS program.

More detailed information about God Care Ministry can be found on their website.
