One of the fundamental objectives of the FOCUS program is to encourage our participants – the post 9/11 military veterans – to re-engage with society. This can happen in several ways, through volunteering, further education, or employment . Volunteering in one’s community further reinforces the spirit of service and giving back that characterizes most all of our military veterans.
The Mission Continues empowers veterans facing the challenge of adjusting to life at home to find new missions. They redeploy veterans in their communities, so that their shared legacy will be one of action and service.
Through the Mission Continues, veterans serve their country in new ways by engaging in innovative and action-oriented programs. The first, The Mission Continues’ Fellowship, harnesses veterans’ strengths, skills, and their compassion and empowers them to volunteer with non-profit organizations in their community on a daily basis. The second, The Mission Continues’ Service Platoons, brings teams of veterans who are working together with partners at the local level to build stronger communities and tackle pressing issues.
Mission Continues targets the innate spirit of service demonstrated by the men and women of the US military. They mobilize wide-ranging support from volunteers, non-profit organizations and donors. And together they are able to solve some of the most challenging issues facing our communities. Through this unique model that provides reciprocal benefit for the veteran and the local community, veterans volunteer to help others and, through their service, build new skills and networks that help them successfully transition home.
FOCUS encourages our participants to engage with the Mission Continues following our program. We have representatives come to our sessions to discuss the details of their Fellowship program, and spend one-on-one time consulting with those that have an interest to help them identify opportunities for community involvement when they return home. Some of our most resounding successes from the FOCUS program have been those participants who went back home and engaged with the Mission Continues Fellowship program to become an integral part of their local communities.
Go to the Mission Continues web site below for detailed information on their programs and testimonials from many of their Fellowship participants.