Posted by Jeremiah Grotler on December 22, 2013 at 10:30pm

It is with a very sad and angry heart that I type this, but I just need to vent. Tomorrow I will be attending a funeral for Sgt. William Morrow Jr. He was my role model and mentor in the Corps. I thought of him as a father figure. He was very literally the picture perfect Marine. He served in Desert Storm, got out, and came back in to go to Iraq and Afghanistan. He received multiple awards to include a silver and bronze star with valor, as well as, a few Navy Marine Corps Achievement Medals with valor and purple heart. He was a hero to all of my fellow Marines and remains still.

Wednesday night, December 18, he was shot in the head and died 8 hrs later. He was trying to help his ex-wife with some problems she was having and she shot him. He was 44 with 2 sons.

I am so sick of all these great men, Marines and Corpsmen, dying. Not only the ones we lost on deployment but the ones we lose after deployments. I’ve lost 3 Marines to suicide, 1 to a heroin overdose, 2 corpsmen to a drunk driving accident, 1 to a motorcycle accident, and now 1 to a b**** of an ex wife. Not to mention my own suicide attempt last year. What the hell is going on?!!! Not a damn one of these guys were men who would have been considered “s*** bags” or bad people or anything along those lines. In fact, every one of them were combat veterans who received honorable personal awards. They have all been recognized publicly as outstanding individuals.

I know that this is just life and I don’t mean for this to sound like a sob story. I’m just having a very difficult time trying to figure this out. “wrap my head around it.” It just doesn’t make sense.

Any who, I just needed to get that out. It doesn’t lesson the pain at all, but maybe someone else is dealing with the same things?

hope all is well semper fi