Posted by Jacob Lewis on September 17, 2014 at 12:59pm

Ten Years ago 9/17/2004 a dedicated Marine Cpl Christopher Ebert listened to an order from a Jr marine (Me) that chose to disobey an order from his Commanding Officer. My driving privileges had been revoked by my Commanding Officer.  Shortly after Chris jumped in the passenger seat and we got to max speed on the highway and our vehicle was hit by a roadside bomb. Chris died instantly and so did my Terp “Sammy”. I made it back to the states in time to carry Chris’s casket to his final resting place. I told his mother at the funeral that I would call her and let her know exactly what happened that day.  I tried to make that phone call today, only to find out that his mom passed away 2 years ago. Her passing just re-enforces the fact that a relationship if you choose to rebuild it must be done now, while there is still Time.